Thursday, 20 December 2012


Caroline Hackett
For people who have not yet seen TRON: LEGACY i would suggest holding off doing so until after you’ve seen the original 1982 movie first because when it comes down to it, as much as director Joseph Kosinski tried to make this as relevant as possible, TRON: LEGACY is a movie just for Tron fans. The story is a continuation from the original and you’ll have a hard time following if you have no idea what happened previously.
TRON: LEGACY picks up roughly 20 years after the original with Sam Flynn played by the talented Garrett Hedlund, a rebellious 27 year old is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Bridges), a man once known as the world’s leading video-game developer. When Sam Investigates a signal sent from his fathers old Arcade he finds himself pulled into the digital world when Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Ouorra played by Olivia Wilde, father and son embark on a life or death journey across a cyber universe which was created by kevin himself and has become far more advanced with weapons, Vehicles, landscapes and a ruthless villain who will stop at nothing to prevent their escape.
Given that i was a fan of the original since watching it with my dad when i was 6 years old i had major doubts when i heard this film was going to be in 3D, however i had no reason to worry Joseph Kosinski and his team knew what they were doing. The environment stays faithful to the original film but the 3D brings it to life the grid looks more fascinating and don’t even get me started on the disc and lightcycle battles, quite possibly the highlight of the entire movie watching experience.
Now moving on to the performances, Jeff Bridges is terrific, but then again he’s terrific in all that he does. He’s returned as Flynn and just like how he was 27 years ago, Bridges plays it cool and chill, the only difference is that his character is much older now and the story has him worrying at times for his son, for the mistakes of the past, he’s constantly haunted by it.. but don’t worry.. Bridges ‘The Dude’ attitude is still intact, Flynn would once in a while say something along the line of ‘you’re messing with my jazz man!’
I love Olivia Wilde in this film, not because she’s a great actress but because as Flynn’s apprentice Quorra, her childlike personality is hard to resist. She’s naive, always eager to learn and incredibly faithful.
Gotta give some credit to Michael Sheen. For those few moments, he’s downright amusing. Sheen is engaging, he’s energetic and he has this unbelievable range of showmanship all of which burst out of him for the 5 or 10 minutes he is in the movie.
I think Garrett Hedlund could sharpen his acting skills a bit more but for the most part he does his job. He is a relatively unknown actor to most people who would have seen the movie but i have seen him in a few things before this and i can tell you he is one to watch.
As much as i wish i could give the perfect 10 out of 10 to TRON: LEGACY the movie is nowhere near perfect,..I can’t stand CLU’s digital face. I’m aware that technology may not be advanced enough to give us a believable young Jeff Bridges, but that creepy digital face just doesn’t work for me. They also use it at the start of the movie in what is meant to be a flash back to the original, in the scene a young Jeff Bridges is seen telling his young son about “The Grid” this cyber world he has created and you can see that the mouth movement on the digital face of Bridges doesn’t move in sync with the voice. Thankfully this was a short and quick scene so it is easy to look past and honestly forgotten about when its over. The only other thing i didn’t like about the film was the fact you needed to see the original before you could get the fully enjoyment from this one, while i was able to relax and enjoy the movie my 13 year old brother while loving the 3D effects and the action scenes came out totally confused as to what the whole point of the film was. That does tend to ruin a movie when you have to go back and explain it all over again. 
Overall i think TRON: LEGACY is an entertaining movie, it has eye candy for both sexes and is a sequel that speaks to its fans. I think some of its elements will disappoint some fans of the original but for me it was an easy going movie with a fantastic cast and amazing special effects that pulled you into the games  and as far as the 3D goes it topped Avatar for me.

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